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If you’re facing drug charges in Memphis or Shelby County, the consequences can be severe – impacting your freedom, employment prospects, and future opportunities. That’s why having a skilled and aggressive Memphis drug crime attorney on your side is absolutely crucial.

At The Case Firm, our team of accomplished lawyers has extensive experience defending clients against all types of drug-related offenses, from simple possession to trafficking and manufacturing. Don’t settle for a felony record — contact us today for a confidential consultation.

Types of Drug Charges in Tennessee

Tennessee classifies controlled substances into seven schedules (I-VII), with Schedule I substances like heroin and LSD considered the most dangerous and Schedule VII the least. The specific charge and potential penalties you face depend on factors like the type and amount of the drug involved, whether there was intent to distribute, and any prior drug convictions on your record.

At The Case Firm, our Memphis drug crime attorneys have successfully defended clients facing a wide range of charges, including but not limited to:

  • Simple possession of marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, heroin, prescription drugs, and other controlled substances
  • Possession with intent to distribute/sell
  • Manufacturing and cultivation of drugs like marijuana, meth, and other synthetics
  • Drug trafficking and transportation across state lines
  • Prescription drug fraud, forgery, and doctor shopping
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia

No matter how serious the allegations, we can fight for the best possible outcome in your case.

Penalties for Drug Crimes in Memphis

The penalties for drug convictions in Tennessee vary significantly based on the details of the offense. Simple possession of a small amount of marijuana may be treated as a misdemeanor with penalties like fines and probation for first offenses. However, possession of Schedule I or II substances like cocaine, meth, or heroin will likely result in felony charges.

Felony drug convictions carry harsh sentences that increase based on the amount and schedule of the drug:

  1. Schedule I or II substances: Felony charges start at Class C for any amount under 0.5 grams, punishable by 3-15 years in prison and fines up to $100,000. Amounts over 0.5 grams are Class B felonies with 8-30 years and up to $100,000 fines.
  2. Schedule III: Class D felony with 2-12 years in prison and $50,000 fines.
  3. Schedule IV: Class D felony with same potential penalties.
  4. Schedule V-VII: Class E felony with 1-6 years and $5,000 fines for marijuana under 10 lbs, other lower schedule drugs.

Factors that can further increase penalties include charges involving large trafficking amounts over certain weight thresholds, sales or possession near schools or parks, and offenses involving minors. Additionally, having prior drug convictions on your record makes you eligible for harsher sentencing as a repeat offender.

While some first-time simple possession cases may qualify for pretrial diversion or drug court programs, the consequences of a conviction are often devastating – that’s why it’s critical to have a legal defense.

Experienced Memphis Drug Crime Lawyers on Your Side

When you’re up against serious drug charges, you need a Memphis drug crime attorney with the skills, resources, and determination to fight relentlessly for your rights. At The Case Firm, our accomplished legal team has years of combined experience handling the toughest drug cases.

We’ve successfully defended clients facing all manner of charges, from misdemeanor marijuana possession to high-level drug trafficking conspiracies. Our attorneys have an in-depth understanding of drug laws, investigations, and prosecution tactics that allow us to identify flaws in the state’s case.

Our top priority is building an aggressive defense strategy tailored to the specifics of your situation. We leave no stone unturned in our efforts to challenge evidence, scrutinize police procedures, and push for reduced charges or an outright dismissal.

Building a Powerful Defense for Your Drug Case

No matter how seemingly open-and-shut the prosecution’s case may appear, our Memphis drug possession lawyers know there are always potential avenues for an aggressive legal defense, such as:

  • Challenging illegal searches, seizures, and arrests that violate your 4th Amendment rights against unreasonable searches
  • Scrutinizing law enforcement procedures like evidence handling, confidential informant policies, and more to identify misconduct
  • Raising affirmative defenses such as legal, medical prescriptions, lack of knowledge, or simple possession vs. intent to distribute
  • Negotiating with prosecutors for reduced charges, diversion programs, or having charges dropped in cases with evidentiary issues

We understand the immense stress and uncertainty you’re facing with drug charges looming. Our firm is dedicated to clearly explaining the legal process, exploring all potential defense avenues, and helping you make informed decisions every step of the way.

Contact Our Memphis Drug Possession Lawyers Today

Being accused of a drug crime in Memphis can derail your life and freedom in an instant. That’s why it’s critical to have relentless legal advocates working to protect your constitutional rights and secure the best outcome possible.

At The Case Firm, our Memphis drug crime attorneys have earned a reputation for aggressive client representation and proven results. We serve clients throughout the Memphis area, Shelby County, and all of West Tennessee. Don’t wait to get the legal defense you need – take the first step by contacting us today to schedule a confidential case review.

The consequences of a drug conviction are far too serious to leave anything to chance. Our team will carefully review the facts of your case, answer your questions, and outline a comprehensive defense strategy custom-tailored to your unique situation.

If you or a loved one has been arrested for alleged drug crimes, don’t gamble with your future. Contact The Case Firm right away to get our team working tirelessly to protect your rights and preserve your freedom. Take the first step by completing our brief online form or calling to schedule your case evaluation today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a felony drug charge in Tennessee?
In Tennessee, any drug charge involving possession, manufacturing, selling, or distribution of controlled substances like cocaine, meth, heroin, fentanyl, and other narcotics is typically classified as a felony offense. Simple possession of small amounts could potentially be a misdemeanor, but most charges relating to illegal drugs other than marijuana carry felony-level penalties.
What are the penalties for simple possession in Tennessee?
For simple possession of a small amount of a controlled substance classified as marijuana, the charge is generally a Class E felony punishable by 1-6 years in prison and up to $5,000 in fines. Possession of Schedule I or II drugs like cocaine, heroin, and meth is, at minimum, a Class C felony with 3-15 years in prison and up to $100,000 fines.
How many grams is a felony in TN?
Possession of 0.5 grams or more of cocaine, meth, fentanyl, or similar substances is automatically a Class B felony in Tennessee. For other Schedule I and II drugs, any possession of less than 0.5 grams can potentially be charged as a lower-level Class C felony.
Do first-time drug offenders go to jail in Tennessee?
First-time simple possession charges may sometimes qualify for diversion programs or probation instead of jail time in Tennessee, but this is not guaranteed. Any felony charges involving selling, trafficking, or possession of larger quantities can absolutely result in prison sentences, even for those with no priors.

Serving Memphis & Shelby County.