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Getting arrested and charged with a DUI in Memphis can completely disrupt your life. You’re likely feeling stressed, scared about potential penalties, and unsure of what legal steps to take next. This is where having a skilled Memphis DUI lawyer becomes absolutely critical.

At The Case Firm, our attorneys have extensive experience defending all types of DUI cases in Tennessee. We understand just how much is at stake when you’ve been charged with driving under the influence – your driving privileges, freedom, employment, finances, and future prospects can all be jeopardized.

This knowledge motivates our legal team to work tirelessly and build the strongest possible defense strategy tailored to your unique situation. You need aggressive representation to protect your rights and mitigate the long-term consequences of a DUI charge. That’s what you’ll get from our Memphis DUI lawyers.

Tennessee DUI Laws and Charges

In Tennessee, you can be charged with a DUI if operating a motor vehicle with:

For commercial drivers, the BAC limit is 0.04%. Even more serious charges like aggravated DUI or vehicular assault can result from factors like:

  • Having a very high BAC (0.20% or more)
  • Causing injury or death to another person
  • Having children in the vehicle

A basic first-offense DUI in Tennessee is typically a misdemeanor. But penalties increase substantially for repeat offenses and aggravated charges. Consequences can include:

  • Jail time (48 hours to over a year)
  • Fines ranging from $350 to $15,000
  • 1-year license suspension
  • Required ignition interlock installation
  • Drug and alcohol treatment programs

Factors Influencing DUI Charges and Penalties

  • BAC level at time of arrest
  • Prior DUI convictions within 10 years
  • Refusing breath/blood tests
  • Causing an accident with injuries
  • Having a minor child in the vehicle

A DUI conviction also means getting a permanent criminal record that can hurt employment opportunities, professional licenses, security clearances, and more. This is why retaining a Memphis DUI lawyer is absolutely critical after an arrest.

Why Hire a Memphis DUI Attorney?

While you can represent yourself, having a DUI attorney significantly improves your chances of getting a case dismissed or negotiating reduced charges. DUI laws and legal procedures are quite complex, requiring extensive knowledge and legal skills most people simply don’t have.

An experienced DUI lawyer will:

  • Explain all details of the charges and potential penalties you face
  • Investigate and gather evidence to form a strategic defense approach
  • Uncover potential violations of your rights during the DUI stop/arrest
  • Argue for exclusion of improper chemical test evidence or field sobriety results
  • Negotiate with prosecutors for reduced charges or alternative sentencing
  • Represent you strongly if your case goes to trial

Our attorneys are intimately familiar with all specifics of Tennessee’s DUI laws, court procedures, police protocol for stops/testing, prosecutorial tactics, and effective defense strategies for these cases.

Trying to navigate the legal system alone puts you at a significant disadvantage and greatly increases the odds of harsher punishment. For most people, the costs of a DUI attorney are well worth protecting your rights, driving privileges, and future.

Common DUI Defense Strategies Include:

  • Challenging the legality of the traffic stop
  • Questioning the probable cause for the arrest
  • Examining the accuracy of breath/blood tests
  • Investigating constitutional rights violations
  • Negotiating for reduced charges or alternative sentencing

The DUI Arrest Process in Tennessee

The process for a DUI in Memphis typically begins with a traffic stop where the officer suspects you were driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. They will conduct an investigation including:

  • Questioning you about where you came from, medications, etc.
  • Asking you to perform field sobriety tests
  • Requesting you take a breathalyzer test

If the officer determines there is probable cause, they will arrest and charge you with DUI. You’ll likely be taken into custody, booked, and held until your BAC lowers, up to 48 hours.

Your vehicle will also be towed and impounded until it can be recovered.

Most critically, the arrest triggers an automatic driver’s license suspension within 30 days unless you request an administrative license hearing within 10 days. That’s where our Memphis DUI lawyers can step in right away.

Upon release, you will receive a suspension notice and court date. This all happens before you ever go to court to face the DUI charge itself! Having an attorney will ensure you don’t inadvertently lose your driving privileges during this process.

DUI Administrative License Suspension Hearings

Even before your DUI case goes to criminal court, Tennessee law enforcement is empowered to automatically suspend your license for:

  • Registering over the legal BAC limit on breath/blood tests
  • Refusing to submit to chemical testing

You only have 10 days after arrest to request an Administrative License Revocation (ALR) hearing challenging the suspension. Our Memphis DUI attorneys can handle this legal process for you.

At the ALR hearing, we will thoroughly examine the details of your DUI stop, arrest, and chemical testing procedures and results. We’ll seek to have any improper evidence suppressed and argue for dismissal if your constitutional rights were violated.

Common issues we look for include:

  • Lack of reasonable suspicion for the initial traffic stop
  • Improperly conducted field sobriety tests
  • Mishandling of breath or blood sample by police
  • Inaccurate or uncalibrated breath test equipment

If we can prove issues with the evidence or police procedures, there is a strong chance of getting the license suspension overturned. This protects your ability to drive and maintain employment while your DUI case proceeds.

Many DUI charges plead down or get dismissed if the Administrative License Hearing is successfully won. That’s why taking this proactive legal step is so vital. Our Memphis DUI lawyers prioritize it.

Charges Our Attorneys Handle:

  • First-time DUI offenses
  • Repeat DUI (within 5 or 10 years)
  • Aggravated DUI with injuries
  • Underage DUI
  • Drugged driving/DUI due to medications
  • DUI with a commercial driver’s license (CDL)

No matter the severity of the allegations, we will thoroughly investigate your case and fight to avoid a permanent criminal conviction. From negotiating lesser pleas to taking cases to trial and seeking acquittals, our focus is always protecting your freedom, license, and future.

Don’t Leave Your Future to Chance – Hire Our Memphis DUI Lawyers to Fight for You

After a DUI arrest in Memphis, attempting to navigate the legal system alone is a risk not worth taking. You need aggressive representation from a law firm with the skills, resources, and proven track record defending DUI cases throughout Tennessee.

At The Case Firm, our Memphis DUI attorneys provide the zealous advocacy you deserve, including:

  • Personalized attention to every detail of your case and situation
  • Clear communication so you understand all options and next steps
  • Extensive experience handling DUIs, from first offenses to aggravated charges
  • Impressive history of winning dismissals, reduced charges, and favorable plea deals

A DUI conviction can derail your career, personal life, driving privileges, finances, and much more. Why take that chance when our legal team has an established reputation for protecting clients’ rights and futures?

The consequences are too severe to trust an inexperienced lawyer or represent yourself. From day one after your arrest, you need the powerful defense capabilities our Memphis DUI lawyers provide.

Don’t risk harsh penalties or a permanent criminal record by pleading guilty or going to court unprepared. Contact The Case Firm immediately to begin building an aggressive strategy for beating your DUI charges. Your future is on the line – let us fight to preserve it.

Serving Memphis & Shelby County.