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If you or a loved one has been charged with a violent crime in Memphis, the consequences can be severe and life-altering. Violent offenses like assault, rape, robbery, and homicide are treated as extremely serious matters under Tennessee law.

If convicted, you could be facing lengthy prison sentences, expensive fines, probation, and a permanent criminal record that will follow you for the rest of your life.

With so much at stake, having a skilled lawyer is absolutely crucial from the very start. At The Case Firm, our legal team understands the seriousness of these situations as well as the nuances of Tennessee’s criminal statutes and court procedures.

We provide the vigorous defense you need to protect your rights, reputation, and future in the face of serious allegations. Do not gamble with something this important – let our violent crimes attorneys fight for you.

Violent Crimes in Tennessee

Violent crimes are taken extremely seriously in the state of Tennessee. These offenses can range from simple assault all the way up to homicide and other felonies involving deadly force.

They involve the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against another person. In Tennessee, these crimes can include:

  • Assault (TCA § 39-13-101) – Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury or threatening imminent bodily harm. This can be a misdemeanor or felony depending on the circumstances.
  • Robbery (TCA § 39-13-401) – Taking property from another by violence or putting the person in fear through force or intimidation.
  • Rape (TCA § 39-13-503) – Unlawful sexual penetration of another by force or coercion.
  • Kidnapping (TCA § 39-13-303) – False imprisonment accomplished through force, threat, or deception.
  • Criminal Homicide (TCA § 39-13-201) – Unlawfully taking the life of another, including murder, voluntary manslaughter, and criminally negligent homicide.

These are just some of the offenses considered violent crimes under Tennessee law. The penalties increase based on the specific crime, use of a deadly weapon, victim factors, and the defendant’s criminal history.

Consequences of a Violent Crime Conviction

The penalties for violent crimes in Tennessee are severe and life-altering. In addition to lengthy prison sentences and hefty fines, a conviction results in a permanent criminal record. This can severely restrict housing, employment, travel, and other opportunities.

Those convicted of violent felonies also lose certain civil rights, like the right to vote, serve on a jury, or possess a firearm under state law.

There are also major personal consequences from the social stigma, fractured personal relationships, emotional trauma, and lasting impact on one’s reputation.

Building a Strong Violent Crimes Defense

Facing allegations of a violent crime in Memphis is an incredibly serious matter requiring professional legal representation and counsel. Law enforcement and prosecutors take these cases extremely seriously.

An experienced Memphis violent crimes attorney can provide invaluable guidance on charges, potential penalties, legal strategies, courtroom procedures, negotiations, and more. They protect your rights throughout the entire process.

Attempting to represent yourself or rely on an inexperienced lawyer greatly increases the risk of an unfavorable outcome that could impact your life permanently.

Our Defense Strategy for Violent Crimes

At The Case Firm, our Memphis criminal lawyers immediately get to work investigating violent crime charges against our clients. We:

  • Interview all witnesses and involved parties
  • Collect and analyze all evidence from the scene
  • Seek to get inadmissible or improperly obtained evidence suppressed
  • Examine the circumstances for any possible affirmative defenses like self-defense, insanity, mistaken identity, etc.
  • Negotiate with prosecutors for reduced charges or an outright dismissal when appropriate
  • Prepare for trial from Day 1 if necessary to fight the charges fully

Our legal team has decades of combined experience handling assault, rape, robbery, murder, and other violent crime cases in Memphis and throughout Tennessee. We understand how to navigate even the most complex violent felonies.

Protecting Your Rights and Future

Being charged with a violent crime in Memphis threatens your freedom, future job prospects, personal relationships, and much more. Having an aggressive and skilled legal advocate from The Case Firm on your side is imperative.

The Presumption of Innocence

Under the U.S. Constitution and Tennessee law, you are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by the prosecution. Our violent crimes attorneys ensure this bedrock legal principle is upheld.

We safeguard all of your rights including the right to remain silent, right to counsel, protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, due process of law, and more. We prevent any civil rights violations.

Our seasoned Memphis criminal defense lawyers have successfully helped clients avoid or minimize punishments.

No matter how serious the allegations, our legal team will fight tirelessly to obtain the best possible outcome and protect your future. We explore all avenues and leverage our resources for your defense.

Put Our Experience to Work for You

Do not try to go it alone if you have been accused of a violent crime in Memphis. The stakes are simply too high. Our attorneys at The Case Firm have a proven track record of success defending against charges like armed robbery, aggravated rape, homicide, and other offenses involving violence.

We will provide the strong legal representation you need when everything is on the line. Contact us immediately for a confidential case review to get started. Your future depends on it.

Serving Memphis & Shelby County.